Keeping Up With Facebook

Besides the pending announcement of a certain mobile device, the biggest topic of  conversation these days seems to be Facebook’s recent changes (revamped friend lists, real-time news tickers, subscribe buttons) and its upcoming movement to transform user profiles, which they’re referring to as Timeline.

There are plenty of places online (including Facebook) where you can read about these changes in more detail, but it’s clear that there is a significant amount of backlash against Facebook’s ongoing tinkering with their product.

Has Facebook completely altered our expectations for any kind of privacy on the web? Have they gone too far and will they begin to lose a significant number of users who will opt for a Facebook-less existence?

Your thoughts? If you use Facebook, how do you feel about these changes? How do you think this will affect how our students and faculty use Facebook, if at all?

Posted on September 26, 2011, in facebook, social networks. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Personally, if FB weren’t the only way for me to keep in touch with people, I would delete my account today. FB tinkers too much; there’s no privacy no matter what you do, etc.

  2. I think a lot of us have felt the same way, Julia. Lately, I’ve been using Google+ a bit more. It’s open to anyone now so you might want to check it out if you haven’t already created an account.

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